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Falcon - Metric Collection

Metric Collection

Metric Collection currently allows to collect the following metrics at process level:

  1. Processing time the process spent in the running state in seconds (workflow_end_time - workflow_start_time)
  2. Wait time that the process spent in the waiting/ready state. (workflow_start_time - workflow_nominal_time)
  3. Number of instances that are failed for a process.

To send data to Graphite

Falcon need to intialize metricNotificationService in

* org.apache.falcon.metrics.MetricNotificationService,

Add following properties for graphiteNotificationPlugin :

Graphite properties

   * *.falcon.graphite.hostname=localhost
   * *.falcon.graphite.port=2003
   * *.falcon.graphite.frequency=1
   * *.falcon.graphite.prefix=falcon

The falcon.graphite.frequency is in seconds and all the time that is being sent to graphite is in seconds.

To send data to Falcon DB

Falcon needs to ProcessInstanceInfo table in the database have a look at FalconDatabase to know how to create it.

Add the following properties in the
