This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Falcon - GET /api/entities/list/:entity-type?fields=:fields

GET /api/entities/list/:entity-type?fields=:fields


Get list of the entities.


  • :entity-type Valid options are cluster, feed or process.
  • fields <optional param> Fields of entity that the user wants to view, separated by commas.
    • Valid options are STATUS, TAGS, PIPELINES.
  • nameseq <optional param> Subsequence of entity name. Not case sensitive.
    • The entity name needs to contain all the characters in the subsequence in the same order.
    • Example 1: "sample1" will match the entity named "SampleFeed1-2".
    • Example 2: "mhs" will match the entity named "New-My-Hourly-Summary".
  • filterBy <optional param> Filter results by list of field:value pairs. Example: filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING,PIPELINES:clickLogs
    • Supported filter fields are NAME, STATUS, PIPELINES, CLUSTER.
    • Query will do an AND among filterBy fields.
  • tags <optional param> Return list of entities that have specified tags, separated by a comma. Query will do AND on tag values.
    • Example:,
  • orderBy <optional param> Field by which results should be ordered.
    • Supports ordering by "name".
  • sortOrder <optional param> Valid options are "asc" and "desc"
  • offset <optional param> Show results from the offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
  • numResults <optional param> Number of results to show per request, used for pagination. Only integers > 0 are valid, Default is 10.


List of the entities.


Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/entities/list/feed


    "entity": [
            "name": "SampleOutput",
            "type": "feed"
            "name": "SampleInput",
            "type": "feed"

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/entities/list/feed?fields=status


    "entity": [
            "name"  : "SampleOutput",
            "type"  : "feed",
            "status": "RUNNING"
            "name": "SampleInput",
            "type": "feed",
            "status": "RUNNING"

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/entities/list/process?filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING,PIPELINES:dataReplication&fields=status,pipelines,tags&


    "entity": [
            "name"  : "SampleProcess1",
            "type"  : "process",
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "pipelines": "dataReplication",
            "tags": ""
            "name": "SampleProcess3",
            "type": "process",
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "pipelines": "dataReplication",
            "tags": ","

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/entities/list/feed?nameseq=samplebill&numResults=2&offset=1&fields=status,clusters,tags


            "tags”: {"tag":["related=ushealthcare","department=billingDepartment"]},
            "clusters": {"cluster":["SampleCluster1","primaryCluster”]}
            "tags”: {"tag":["related=healthcare","department=billingDepartment"]},
            "clusters": {"cluster":"primaryCluster”}