This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Falcon - GET /api/instance/search

GET /api/instance/search


Get the list of instances that meet search criteria.


  • :type <optional param> Comma-separated entity types. Valid entity types are feed, process or datasource.
  • nameseq <optional param> Subsequence of entity name. Not case sensitive.
    • The entity name needs to contain all the characters in the subsequence in the same order.
    • Example 1: "sample1" will match the entity named "SampleFeed1-2".
    • Example 2: "mhs" will match the entity named "New-My-Hourly-Summary".
  • tagkeys <optional param> Keywords in tags, separated by comma. Not case sensitive.
    • The returned entities will have tags that match all the tag keywords.
  • instanceStatus <optional param> Valid options are RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, WAITING, SUSPENDED, KILLED, TIMEOUT.
  • start <optional param> Show instances from this nominal time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
    • By default, it is set to (end - (10 * entityFrequency)).
  • end <optional param> Show instances up to this nominal time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
    • Default is set to now.
  • orderBy <optional param> Field by which results should be ordered. Sorted by descending order.
    • If not specified, instances of the same entity will be listed together in the result.
    • Current valid option: status. Coming soon: sorting by name, nominal time, running time.
  • offset <optional param> Show results from the offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
  • numResults <optional param> Number of results to show per request, used for pagination.
    • Only integers > 0 are valid. Default is 10.
  • doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs.


A list of instances.


Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/search?nameseq=usbill&start=2012-04-03T00:00Z


    "instances": [
	 “tags”: {"tag":["related=ushealthcare","department=billingDepartment"]},
            “nominalTime": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
    "requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
    "message": "Instances Search Results",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED”

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/search?nameseq=samplebill&tagkeys=billing,healthcare&start=2012-04-03T00:00Z&instanceStatus=succeeded&orderBy=nominalTime&offset=2&numResults=2


    "instances": [
	 "tags”: {"tag":["related=healthcare","department=billingDepartment"]},
            “nominalTime": "2012-04-03T08:00Z"
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933397-oozie-rgau-W",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:41:56-07:00",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:42:26-07:00",
	 "tags": {"tag":["related=ushealthcare","department=billingDepartment"]},
            “nominalTime": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",

    "requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
    "message": "Instances Search Results",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED”